Michael Sargent
Host of Tatter
I tell stories. This is the newest way.
Michael Sargent has hosted 67 Episodes.
Episode 35: Fear of Falling (w/ Ashley Jardina)
February 25th, 2019 | 39 mins 38 secs
identity politics, politics, race, white consciousness, white identity
My conversation with Ashley Jardina, author of "White Identity Politics"
Episode 34: I Am. I Am. I Am. (w/ J.R. & Vanessa Ford)
January 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 2 mins
gender identity, trans, trans youth, transgender
My guests, Vanessa and JR Ford, talk to me about their family's story, and about the joys and challenges facing transgender youth.
Episode 33: A Christmas Tatter
December 23rd, 2018 | 40 mins 40 secs
christmas, cinema, film, movies
Eight guests discuss their favorite Christmas movies, and what makes a Christmas movie a Christmas movie.
Episode 32: Movements (w/ Dan Kaufman)
December 17th, 2018 | 38 mins 39 secs
organized labor, politics, scott walker, wisconsin
A conversation with Dan Kaufman, author of The Fall of Wisconsin: The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive Bastion and the Future of American Politics.
Episode 31: Not Yet (Andersen v. Planned Parenthood)
December 10th, 2018 | 12 mins 52 secs
abortion, kavanaugh, roberts, supreme court
A conversation with University of Texas law professor (and CNN Supreme Court analyst) Stephen Vladeck, about the Court's decision not to take up a case at least partly related to abortion
Episode 30: Slurred Speech
November 26th, 2018 | 1 hr 26 mins
gendered slurs, philosophy, racist slurs, slurs
A discussion of slurs--especially gendered slurs, as well as racial and ethnic slurs--with philosopher Lauren Ashwell
Episode 29: Mission Creep (On Carrying Implicit Bias Too Far)
November 5th, 2018 | 31 mins 37 secs
history, iat, implicit bias, psychology, racial justice
A conversation about implicit bias, and potential overextension and overapplication of it, with Jonathan Kahn, author of Race on the Brain.
Episode 28: Magnolia In Bloom (Mississippi Politics)
October 15th, 2018 | 26 mins 42 secs
democrats, mississippi, politics, republicans, senate, supreme court
A chat with Geoff Pender, political editor of the Clarion-Ledger, based in Jackson, Mississippi; we discuss the upcoming U.S. Senate special election, as well as what might come from Mississippi and land before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Episode 27: Class Action
September 18th, 2018 | 30 mins 2 secs
affirmative action, college admissions, harvard, merit, university admissions
My conversation with Julie J. Park, of the University of Maryland, as we discuss college and university admissions, merit, affirmative action, and their relationships to Asian-Americans and other groups.
Episode 26: A Mighty Pen, Part II (Another Discussion of the Kavanaugh Nomination)
September 2nd, 2018 | 56 mins
abortion, brett kavanaugh, diversity, labor law, scotus, supreme court, trump
A conversation with legal experts Jonathan Adler and Brianne Gorod, as we discuss the record and thinking of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Episode 25: A Mighty Pen, Part I (Discussing the Kavanaugh Nomination)
August 14th, 2018 | 58 mins 28 secs
abortion, brett kavanaugh, environmental law, guantanamo, national security, scotus, supreme court, trump
A conversation with law professors Peter Margulies and Stephen Vladeck, as we discuss the record and thinking of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Episode 24: Old Times Forgotten (Talking Southern Politics)
August 10th, 2018 | 36 mins 42 secs
arkansas, arkansas politics, national politics, southern politics
A conversation ranging from Arkansas politics to national politics, with Hendrix College politics professor Jay Barth.
Episode 23: Policy of Truth (or, How to Tell a Good Story)
August 6th, 2018 | 58 mins 25 secs
melanie green, moth, peter aguero, psychology, storytelling, tara clancy
A discussion of live, true, first-person storytelling (e.g., on The Moth), and how to do it well, featuring Moth GrandSLAM champion tellers Peter Aguero and Tara Clancy, as well as researcher Melanie Green.
Episode 22: Moats and Bridges
July 23rd, 2018 | 30 mins 31 secs
catholic church, james martin, jesuit, lgbt, lgbtq
My conversation with Father James Martin, SJ, editor at large for America: The Jesuit Review. Most of our discussion addressed his advocacy for the Catholic church engaging LGBT people with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.
Episode 21: Brotherly Love
July 16th, 2018 | 31 mins 40 secs
christianity, philadelphia, police, race
A conversation with G. Lamar Stewart, Vice-President of the National Black Police Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter, touching on implicit bias, faith, community-police interactions, and more, including (of course) the infamous Starbucks arrest from this past April.
Episode 20: The Humean Stain, Part 2
July 9th, 2018 | 56 mins 33 secs
bias training, iat, implicit association test, implicit bias, race, racism, social cognition, social psychology, social science
The second part of a conversation about implicit racial bias, and about one well-known implicit measure, the Implicit Association Test.