Michael Sargent
Host of Tatter
I tell stories. This is the newest way.
Michael Sargent has hosted 67 Episodes.
Episode 67: Metastasis (Impeachment, w/ Frank Bowman)
January 17th, 2021 | 39 mins 35 secs
congress, donald trump, high crimes, impeachment, politics
I discuss the second impeachment of Donald Trump, considering impeachment in general, as well as the particulars of the one article of impeachment endorsed by the House in January of 2021, and what might come after a Senate trial.
Episode 66: Conviction (Impeachment Politics, w/ Sarah Binder)
January 12th, 2021 | 43 mins 7 secs
congress, donald trump, high crimes, impeachment, politics
A conversation about impeachment politics, and about Congress more generally, with Sarah Binder of The George Washington University, and also the Brookings Institution.
Episode 65: Gut Check (w/ Tim Spector, on food science)
December 16th, 2020 | 45 mins 24 secs
food, gut bacteria, microbiome, science, twins
A conversation on food, gut bacteria, and more, with genetic epidemiologist Tim Spector.
Episode 64: Rogue (Conspiracy Theories, w/ Kelley-Romano & Miller)
December 9th, 2020 | 58 mins 43 secs
conspiracy theory, covid-19, political science, psychology, rhetoric, voting
Stephanie Kelley-Romano and Joanne Miller talk conspiracy theories with me.
Episode 63: Tripwire (w/ Peter Margulies)
November 13th, 2020 | 35 mins 52 secs
biden, national security, presidency, transition, trump
A discussion of the presidential transition, Trump's resistance to that transition, and the hazards presented.
Episode 62: Hard Knocks (w/ Seth Masket)
November 8th, 2020 | 49 mins 11 secs
elections, political parties, political science, politics, race, voting
My conversation with political scientist Seth Masket about political parties, and the lessons they learn from losing (and sometimes winning).
Episode 61: Legitimate Authority (w/ Sara Benesh)
October 30th, 2020 | 32 mins 42 secs
amy coney barrett, courts, legitimacy, politics, supreme court
A conversation with political scientist Sara Benesh, on the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation, partisan maneuvers, and the legitimacy of the courts.
Episode 60: Pass the Torch (w/ Jean Rhodes)
October 6th, 2020 | 44 mins 27 secs
developmental psychology, gender, marginalized youth, mentoring, mentorship, race, youth
My conversation with psychologist Jean Rhodes about mentorship of young, often marginalized, young people.
Episode 59: Hazardous Conditions (w/ Doug McConnell)
September 14th, 2020 | 45 mins 49 secs
covid-19, ethics, hazard pay, pandemic, philosophy
When colleges and universities open to in-person instruction during a pandemic, which employees, if any, should receive hazard pay? My guest and I discuss.
Episode 58: The Seamless Garment Goes On
September 10th, 2020 | 41 mins 15 secs
abortion, black lives matter, catholic, politics, pro-life, race, reproductive rights
Another chat with Father James Martin
Episode 57: The Seamless Garment (Pro-Life Politics, w/ Fr. James Martin)
August 10th, 2020 | 32 mins 24 secs
abortion, black lives matter, catholic, politics, pro-life, race, reproductive rights
My conversation with Father James Martin, in which we discuss what it means to be truly pro-life.
Episode 56: When They Hit You (w/ Omar Wasow)
July 16th, 2020 | 1 hr 7 mins
nonviolent, protest, racism, research, resistance, violent
My conversation with Princeton political scientist Omar Wasow, as we discuss his paper on violent and nonviolent protest in the U.S.
Episode 55: Moment of Truth (w/ Robin Engel)
June 15th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
criminal justice, police, policing, race, social science
My chat with University of Cincinnati criminal justice professor Robin Engel, who has also overseen a police department implementing police reforms after a shooting of an unarmed Black man.
Episode 54: There's Got To Be A Better Way (w/ Lamar Stewart)
June 9th, 2020 | 59 mins 16 secs
bias, black americans, police, policing, race
A conversation with a Philadelphia County detective and former Vice-President of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the National Black Police Association, in which we discuss the George Floyd death, policing, and race.
Episode 53: The Pursuit (w/ Laurie Santos)
June 4th, 2020 | 58 mins 8 secs
choice, covid-19, happiness, psychology, well-being
A discussion of happiness, with Yale University's Laurie Santos.
Episode 52: Married to the Mob
May 18th, 2020 | 56 mins 53 secs
donald trump, gop, political parties, republican party, u.s. politics
A conversation with political scientists Julia Azari and Seth Masket, discussing the Republican Party in recent years.